

Yeganeh Andish sazeh as a specialized company in construction industry is putting its vision based on a multi-year horizon which is:

Becoming one of the top seven companies in the construction industry in the country especially in the field of special projects construction with administrative and business users (niche market) and has planned its strategy in order to fulfill this aim.


Yegane Andish Sazeh with the aim of creating value for shareholders, customers and buyers has designed the following strategic program to achieve its objectives:

  1. . Creating a well known brand in order to raise shareholders return and maintaining peace of mind and interests of customers and buyers by designing, constructing and implementing special projects
  2. . Strengthening the company’s brand to become a reputable brand in construction industry (branding), attracting domestic and foreign participant in investment, engineering and technology
  3. . Attracting more specialists to improve companies knowledge with targeted trainings
  4. . Building geographic diversity in construction as well as focusing on existing competitive advantages
  5. . Building revenue and profits with appropriate investment to strengthen the financial structure and protect the rights of the share holders
  6. . Creating appropriate conditions to have more specialist and committed staff enter the economic development stage of the country
  7. . Preserving, protecting and optimize usage of resources, facilities and economic and development talent available
  8. . Developing company’s share in order to achieve human well being and protecting the environment
  9. . Creating career opportunities in construction filed and prosperity of the country and helping the country’s policies to face deprivation keeping the shareholders interest
  10. . Using new methods and strategies in construction and development